Small Bowel Enteroscopy
This procedure allows a physician to navigate further down the GI tract compared to a standard EGD. Much of small bowl can be visulazied either from oral or rectal approach. This test enables the phsycans to further examine the mucosa and look for polyps, or lesions associated with malignancy or blood loss.
An empty stomach allows for the best and safest examination, so you should have nothing to eat or drink, including water, for approximately 12 hours before the examination. Speak with your doctor in advance about any medications or supplements you take, including iron, aspirin, bismuth subsalicylate products (e.g., Pepto-Bismol®) and other “over-the-counter” medications.
Small bowel enteroscopy is safe and associated with very low risk. Complications include perforation, or tear through the wall of the bowel and bleeding, infection and risks associated with sedation. Perforation usually requires surgery for treatment. Bleeding is usually minor and stops on its own or can be controlled by cauterization (application of an electrical current) through the endoscope, however rarely transfusions or surgery are required.
Please see the FAQ section for preparation instructions for the procedure.